The Student Сouncil of Royal Metropolitan University is a permanent, representative, collegiate body of student self-governance. The Senate’s activities are focused on ensuring students’ rights to participate in the management of the educational process, addressing important issues in the lives of students, fostering their social activity, and supporting and implementing social initiatives.
The primary goal of the Student Сouncil is to ensure students’ rights to participate in university governance, evaluate the quality of education, and develop and support student initiatives.
Our main objectives
To achieve these goals, the Student Senate of Royal Metropolitan University sets the following tasks for itself:
- To develop proposals on the main directions of educational and extracurricular activities of Royal Metropolitan University, and mechanisms for their implementation, taking into account the problems of students through the analysis of their current needs in the educational, scientific, cultural, social, organizational, and domestic spheres.
- To assist in resolving issues and analyzing problems affecting the interests of students, and to find ways and methods to solve them.
- To assist the administration of Royal Metropolitan University in resolving issues affecting the interests of students, and in organizing the educational process.
- To foster a civic culture and an active civic stance among students of Royal Metropolitan University.
- To preserve and develop the values and traditions of mutual respect.
- To promote the development and realization of the personal and professional qualities of students of Royal Metropolitan University.
- To organize the participation of students in the scientific and innovative activities of Royal Metropolitan University.
- To organize the leisure and recreation of students, and to conduct cultural and mass events.
- To participate in the development of a system for rewarding students of Royal Metropolitan University.
- To develop and strengthen inter-university, interregional, and international relations.
Structure of Student Council